The purpose of DiCello Business Development is to enable small business owners to reach their maximum potential. This process begins by helping the business owner find clarity of their problems while recognizing potential opportunities. It is the goal of coaching to assist owners with setting specific, measurable, attainable, reasonable and timely goals. Then an action plan will be put into place to reach those goals.
In order to achieve the vision of the company, specific strategies will be implemented to coach clients outside their comfort zones by challenging them to think by using a growth mindset. These techniques will always emphasize the owner as the most important person in the coaching relationship.
DiCello Business Development will continually strive to work on issues that owners feel are most relevant to them. Owners will be treated with respect and confidentiality is of utmost importance. The coaching relationship will foster the ideals of leadership, collaboration, integrity, accountability and honesty. Owners will be made to feel “safe” when sharing information throughout the relationship.